A concept of high-quality gastronomy to enjoy in an affordable manner
Our goal is to create food that restores, replenishes and revives.
Culinary symphony of original and tasty ingredients from Spain, unified with our passion and expertise.
“The Culinary Counsel”
Tapea created a Culinary Counsel to develop such an amazing Project.
We have been able during our trip to join the knowledge from Michelin Stars Chefs such as Iñigo Urrechu, Traditional Spanish Culinary Counsels and the most reputated and traditional recipes, under a modern and actual style.
Our Chef
Paola Alvarez, Architect and Chef, our “Culinary architectural manager” who using her experties and past experience, builds daily our prestigious culinary project, and brings Tapea to one of the Top International Spanish Gastronomic Projects.
We are constantly improving our menú using the best knowledge and advices from our Counsel. We are always searchimg for more ideas and chefs to join our team.
Our Team
We are a group of professionals who share the same love and respect towards Spanish culture in general and its gastronomy in particular. We select our staff based on this love; we create flavors with feelings, fresh ideas and great understanding of the basic ingredients.
Our motto says it all

Spanish entrepreneurs, Superior Architects,
passionate about Spanish Gastronomy
With extensive experience in business management, team management, projects and with the energy and enthusiasm to represent the values of the brand Spain, they have opted for a sustainable business model, viable, designed with the warmth of excellence and the virtues of elegance and respect for the deepest values.
With extensive experience in business management, team management, projects and with the energy and enthusiasm to represent the values of the brand Spain,
With extensive experience in business management, team management, projects and with the energy and enthusiasm to represent the values of the brand Spain,